referring to Homebrew site. Step1. Installing brew /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL" Step2. Executing brew doctor to check brew status $ brew doctor Your system is ready to brew. Step3. Check brew version $ brew -v Homebrew 1.3.4 Homebrew/homebrew-core (git revision 2105c; last commit 2017-10-01)
TK-MBA-2:~ taka$ brew info ettercap ettercap: stable 0.8.2 (bottled), HEAD Multipurpose sniffer/interceptor/logger for switched LAN /usr/local/Cellar/ettercap/0.8.2_1 (75 files, 2.3MB) * Poured from bottle on 2017-05-25 at 14:14:48 From: ==> Dependencies Build: cmake ✘ , ghostscript ✘ Required: pcre ✔ , libnet ✔ , openssl ✔ Optional: ghostscript ✘ , gtk+ ✘ , gtk+3 ✘ , luajit ✘ ==> Options --with-ghostscript Build with ghostscript support --with-gtk+ Build with gtk+ support --with-gtk+3 Build with gtk+3 support --with-luajit Build with luajit support --without-curses Install without curses interface --without-ipv6 Install without IPv6 support --without-plugins Install without plugins support --HEAD Install HEAD version TK-MBA-2:~ taka$ ettercap --with-gtk+ ettercap 0.8.2 copyright 2001-2015 Ette...